Regional #AdvTech Liaisons
- 1:
- 2: Matt Wade
- 3:
- 4: Open, formerly Brian Buckwald 2010-2012
- 5: Adam Duberstein
- 6: Paul Cox & Greg Sobie
- 7: Autumn Ayers
- 8: Bil Morrill
- 9:
- 10: Kelly J. Bailey
Example of Technology Liaison Responsibilities from Region IV
Region Chair Survey - Winter 2012/13
Questions asked
- Is there a position within Region 6 that coordinates or works with technology issues of any kind (including social media)?
- If so, is there a position description that exists and would you be willing to share it?
- If there is not a current position, is this something that you think your region could benefit from?
- Is there any type of support, from training to pre-conference organization etc., that you would like or need from our commission?
Region 2: Art Esposito, July 2013
1. We're creating a steering committee chair for this purpose and will run elections for it in October
2. Still drafting it ;)
3. & 4. We're pretty covered in our region, given that so many of our members are active technology users and members of your fine commission ;)
Region 5: Michael "Brody" Broshears, June 2013
- We do not have a position within Region 5. I am an admin on the Region 5 Facebook page, and I tweet a lot of NACADA stuff, but no tech position.
- N/A
- Our region could definitely benefit from this.
- I think that the Grant Submission process on-line is tremendously confusing and difficult to deal with. We moved our grant application process to the web-based format (housed on the NACADA page) and got a lot of negative feedback from those folks that applied (said it was clunky, disjointed, didn’t know if they had submitted correctly, etc.) Any training or work that you all could do to make that process easier (how about having it work just like program proposals) would be helpful.
Region 6: Randy Rummery, December 2012 (August 2013 updates in blue)
1. Recently appointed two region members to fulfill the role for the first time (Greg Sobie and Paul Cox).
Yes, we recruited two technology coordinators in October 2012.
2. No position description has been developed yet.
not as of yet, soon hopefully
3. We hope to develop this position based on Greg and Paul's expertise, combined with knowledge from the commission.
4. No other feedback, but thanks for asking!
we are blessed to have two people actively involved with adv-tech (Greg Sobie and Paul Cox) we feel confident they will be a tremendous resource!
Region 7: Patti Griffin, December 2012
1. We do not have a specific position on our committee.
2. n/a
3. Possibly, we currently have someone who is connected to the Region 7 Conference.
4. When your commission has special events that are open to all members, especially those that are free, that information could be provided for us to tweet
and facebook to our membership in the region.
Region 8: Sally Garner, December 2012 (reconfirmed responses July 2013)
1. Yes, we do have a Technology Coordinator on our regional steering committee. That role is currently held by Bil Morrill (University of Oregon).
2. Technology Coordinator
o Provides support, information, and education to region members in their use of technology in advising.
o Manages regional social media sites.
o Identifies and maintains a community of technology-savvy members in the region.
o Seeks, maintains, and communicates resources for technology use in advising.
o Encourages region members to contribute to the expansion of technology-related publications and educational programs.
3. N/A
4. Love the Tech Talk series you did over the summer. More please. Free, online resources like that are great for our members. Region 8 covers the largest geographical area; our members are spread out all over the place.
Region 10: Tom Mabry, December 2012
- No, not formally. We did have a former Steering Committee member, Steve Johnson, who had some expertise in this area and he was working some of these issues in an ad hoc manner, but we do not yet have a formal position.
- This is an agenda item for the current Steering Committee. We know other Regions do have this type of position and we are moving in this direction.
- See Question 2. yes, we know we need to create a position and it's our goal to do so in 2013.
- I'm sure we can benefit from your Commission's expertise. I will definitely be in touch!!!
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