

Page history last edited by paulcox 11 years, 3 months ago

Technology in Advising Commission Communication


Commission Web site:http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Commissions/C14/index.htm

Listserv (TECADV-L)

NACADA Technology in Advising Facebook Group

On Twitter using the hashtag #AcAdv or #AdvTech


Wiki http://advtech.pbworks.com/

This space would be a great central area to post information, ask questions and engage with other interested Technology in Advising Commission members.

Our Social Spaces & Places
#AdvTech Wikihttp://advtech.pbworks.com/
#AdvTech Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/12976695105/
#AdvTech Website on NACADA Pagehttp://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Commissions/C14/index.htm
#AdvTech Technology in Advising Commission Sign-up for 2013-14


Other Social Media Outlets

Advising Social Networks

Advising Blogs

Twitter => Using #AdvTech hashtag to link conversation, questions, etc  


Listserv (TECADV-L)

TECADV-L, the NACADA Technology in Advising Commission's list serve, was developed to share ideas and concerns with others who are using, or considering the use of, technology in academic advising. Some of the issues that have been discussed on the list serve include advising via e-mail or through videoconferencing techniques, implementing an electronic appointment calendar, creating a database of advising notes, developing an advising office Web page, and using PC and mainframe software to automate routine advising processes. The topics are wide-ranging but focused on technology. TECADV-L is not restricted to NACADA Tech Commission members.


If you are interested in subscribing to TECADV-L, you may use the simplified, Web-based subscription service to join the list. After you have become a member of the list, you can also use the Web to search the archives of past TECADV-L postings.

Questions concerning TECADV-L may be directed to George Holmes, University of Arkansas (gholmes@comp.uark.edu) or Michael Leonard, Penn State (mjl3@psu.edu), TECADV-L list serve co-owners.


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