  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.


Goals and Objectives

Page history last edited by Laura Pasquini 11 years ago


Strategic Goals

  • Provide support, information, and education to NACADA members in their use of technology in advising.
  • Provide consulting and support to the NACADA Executive Office in technology-related organizational projects.
  • Encourage NACADA members to contribute to the expansion of technology-related literature in the NACADA Journal, Clearinghouse,monographs, and other printed and electronic publications as well as developing educational programs on advising-related technologies.
  • Encourage NACADA members to present technology-related presentations at national and regional conferences.


NACADA Commission & Interest Group Division -- Chair Leadership Report Form

Summer 2012 Report/Update CIGDLeadershipReport AdvTech Commission-Summer2012.doc

Current projects: AdvTech Projects



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