

Page history last edited by paulcox 11 years, 3 months ago


Wordle: #AdvTech Commission 



Technology in Advising Commission Chair 2013-2015

 Julie Larsen, University of Washington




Steering Committee

The NACADA Technology in Advising Commission Steering Committee

Name of Committee Member

Institution of Committee Member

E-mail of Committee Member

Tobiah Deutsch

University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee


Paul Cox

University of Iowa


Clay Schwenn

University of Washington


Bil Morrill

University of Oregon


Matthew Wade

Talisman Guidance Solutions


Julie Larsen

University of Washington


Brian Buckwald

Hunter College of the City U of NY


Greg Sobie

University of Manitoba


George Steele

The Ohio State University


Kelly J. Bailey

Arizona State University


Sarah Howard

The Ohio State University


Allen Taylor

Lehigh University


Matt Rupert Penn State University World Campus mattcr9@gmail.com 
Melissa L. Johnson University of Florida, Gainesville melissalj@gmail.com 
Laura Pasquini University of North Texas laura.pasquini@unt.edu

Steering committee & other related AdvTech Meetings notes, minutes & happenings.





2013 NACADA Technology in Advising Survey Development 

Paul Cox, George Steele, Laura Pasquini, Marsha Miller, Rich Robbins, Shannon Burton, Jennifer Joslin


AdvTech Publications 

Joshua Barron, Sarah Howard, Brian Buckwald, Paul Cox 


NACADA Social Media Team for #NACADA13

Julie Larsen (Coordinator), Michele Holaday, Sarah Howard, Kelly J. Bailey, Matt Wade, Paul Cox

Tech in Advising Proposals and Awards  

 Clay Schwenn


#AdvTech Collaboration Liaisons


-Administration: Paul Cox

-Advising in Academic Programs I: Autumn Ayers

-Advising in Academic Programs II: Bil Morrill

-Advisor Training & Development: Paul Cox

Institutional Type:

-Advising Specific Populations I:

-Advising Specific Populations II:

-Advising Specific Populations III: Julie Larsen


Thematic Clusters http://j.mp/nacadaclusters



Regional #AdvTech Liaisons


2:Matt Wade


4: ______________, formerly Brian Buckwald 2010-2012

5: Adam Duberstein

6: Paul Cox & Greg Sobie

7: Autumn Ayers

8: Bil Morrill

9: ______________

10: Kelly Bailey


NACADA TechTalks - August 6-10, 2012

Laura Pasquini & Bil Morrill

Former TechTalks 

About: http://nacada.ksu.edu/Webinars/techtalks.htm


The @NACADA TechTalks – #AdvTech Virtual Brown Bag Series | The NACADA Blog http://bit.ly/NVamYm


The @NACADA TechTalk Series This Week – #AdvTech in 140 Characters Or Less « TechKNOW Tools http://bit.ly/NevhbA 

"How To" and Curation of #AdvTech Resources

Autum Ayers, Brian Buckwald



Are you interested in getting involved, working on a project/sub-committee or starting a NEW initiative with the Technology in Advising Commission? Please contact Laura Pasquini or the Steering Committee members to join in the fun!


Division Steering Committee Representative (2013-2015):

Laura Pasquini, Academic Counselor/Instructor – Office for Exploring Majors, University of North Texas

(940) 369-7637, laura.pasquini@unt.edu  or on Twitter @laurapasquini




Past Commission Chairs:

Laura Pasquini, University of North Texas, 2011-2013

Clay Schwenn, University of Washington, 2009-2011

Renee Babcock, University of Texas at Austin, 2006-2007, 2007-2009

Lauren Wass, Florida International University, 2005-2006

Andrea Irby, North Carolina State University, 2003-2005

Michael J. Leonard, Penn State University, 2001-2003

Charles J. Haberle, Providence College, 1999-2001 & 1997-1999

Dan J. Knauft, University of Texas at Austin, 1995-1997

Harold "Hal" Caldwell, Ball State University, 1994-1995 (When an Interest Group)


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